Monday, April 28, 2014

Bringing out the Roof - and some serious disappointment... 4/19/14

Well Dad has made huge progress with the Chassis and structure of the motorcar that we brought inside last December. 
Here is the roof - brought down to the basement for the first time.

Reference shot for the front..

And here is the Rear with the Painted windscreen and the roof supports 

Slightly different angle...

I forgot to mention this piece - this is a custom machined piece made by Dad's friend Jim, the 'Wizard of Welding' I've mentioned previously. Here it is installed as a crank guard after painting

Looks much more complete now that things are painted

In order to continue progress - we brought the roof in and set it down on the supports

Unfortunately with the straightened windshield and the non straightened roof, the mounts didn't quite match up.

Case in point.... 

On the other hand - it looks much more complete with the roof on. It also makes the roof look just that much worse when contrasted with the nicely painted windscreen

Here is Dad tightening up the roof support U bolts now that we have them in the right place

Although not finished - here is the beginnings of the electrical side of things on the operator's side. I will take some more detailed pictures of this.

Here is the major disappointment of the day. We went to put the brake rigging back on so we could line up the brake light switch and get that installed. Unfortunately out of the four brake assemblies we can only locate three. The picture above is of the one that I am missing. (I have one but need two) This resulted in both Dad and I double checking every spot we could think of - likely or not - knowing that it was on the car when I bought it. Somewhere in the 10 years since - its been misplaced. 

More to come!

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